Low lights
Last week I posted an article that touched on a few of the life moments my family has experienced over the last 7 years. Among other things, our home nearly burned down, we lost a handful of family members, one of our children endured a long and difficult health process, etc. Yesterday in honor of father's day I created a video for my husband that had a whole lot of beautiful moments from the last decade. An Rx reader who saw yesterday's video sent me a message and commended me on being able to find the joy and love in our lives despite the ' fire, smoke damage, diagnosis etc.'My immediate message back to her was this 'The Beauty always rises up out of the ashes.', anf this is something I absolutely believe. Admitedly, the father's day video offering to my husband was a high lights reel of sorts, but the low lights that added to my appreciation of our life together are no less precious.I am someone who really does appreciate the low lights in life- this does not mean that I enjoy ebbing into difficult watersm, but I do appreciate the gifts that always follow.