Old Friends

'An old friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it to you when you have forgotten the words.'

Today I get to have lunch with my oldest friend. We have been bonded since our mothers first laid us next to each other on baby blankets- when were just a few months old.We often will go long expanses of time without talking, and our in-person get togethers are even fewer and farther in between. But this time spent apart, it has no power over our camaraderie. Life has taken us on very divergent paths, yet she knows who I am at my core, just as I know her. When we finally do find the time to get together- there is no pretense, there is no mask...I find that the more I make my way 'out into the world,’ the more precious it is to come back home to my old friends. Life often teaches us that some relationships have built in expiration dates.... but old friends... the one's who have grown with you, cried with you, and stuck with you... they don't expire, and they never forget who you are.

'An old friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it to you when you have forgotten the words.'



Mistaken Identity


Getting Lost