

"A mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions."    Sri da Avabhas

If I had to sum up a few of the things that I most deeply believe to be true- this concept would be in the top three. It's the whole premise behind writing Rx for the Soul each day.

Every day, whatever quote, image, or musing is offered, it is kind of like yoga for the mind. Just a small stretch, a loosening of what may have become tight, and a tiny push toward more flexibility. The size of the stretch makes no difference, because once we have been stretched, we can never completely go back to who we were before, and over time the small stretches lead to the big knowings. I love this about our universe.

Every day is a chance to practice yoga for the mind- all this requires is living in a state of expectancy and repeating often to the universe, 'show me!' When we make this our daily practice, it does not take long to see that we have expanded into a whole new space, just from our willingness to reach...


The Pebbles


Storms and Ships