Yesterday I wrote about authenticity and the topic continues to remain in the forefront of my mind. A few weeks ago I read a news headline about the actress Gwyneth Paltrow. In it she is riduled for her 'strange belief' that water has feelings. I was immediately grateful that I do not have a world audeince like she does- because I too share her strange belief in the conciousness of water. Being authentic is a being vulnerable.... and when we are vulnerable the arrows typically fly by the hoards in our direction. I have not agreed with many of the quotes that Gwyneth Paltrow is credited for through the years, but I have always respected her because she is authentic. I can disagree with someone and still respect them.There are always going to be nay-sayers and haters... and those who walk out onto the skinny branch are the one's who will receive the brunt of society's arrows. Day by day I tip toe a little further onto that skinny branch as I share my views and my world with readers. It scares me. When I read the acidic judgement that gets launched against someone like Gwyneth Paltrow for expressing a belief that is backed by good science it scares me even more. Feeling scared is not enough to make me hide anymore, but I will continue to