Camping with Destiny

" Though destiny a hundred times waylays you, in the end it pitches a tent for you in Heaven." Rumi

This is my new favorite quote. Such a beautiful  and powerful reminder that there is always a higher order to things, even when we cannot see it. I have learned that the most painful place to be is in the front row of the theater that is showing a film called The Little Picture.  (This is the film that YOU write, direct and star in.)In my life, the Little Picture  never stays in focus or sticks to the script I have written, and the more I watch itthe worse I feel. Despite trying very hard to stay out of the Little Picture theater, I still unwittingly wander in and take a seat more than I care to admit. I usually do not realize that is where I am until I notice disappointment sitting next to me enjoying it's usual well buttered bag of popcorn.Getting myself back into the Big Picture theater makes all the difference in the world. When I keep my eyes on the Big Picture I feel peaceful even when the things in my life are not so peaceful.  Watching the Big Picture unfold is pure part because I am a mere spectator. You see, the Big Picture is written and directed by the Universe, and in the Big Picture, I am not the star (gasp); I am just a simple supporting cast member to the headliner who goes by the name 'Destiny.'

How long do you stay in the 'Little Picture" theater before realizing that there is a bigger show going on outside of the one you have written in your mind?


Thank You


The Greatest Danger . . .