The Price of Doubt
There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a sword that kills.

Stumbling Along . . .
Don't stumble over something behind you.
I love this quote because it is so visual – and so right on. Letting go of the past is a skill that we have to hone if we ever want to really move forward in our lives. How many of us, day after day, stumble over something that is in the past? It’s such an easy thing to do, and so futile!Here is a favorite story of mine that perfectly embodies today's quote

Starting a New Ending
It’s true, we can’t unwrite the past, but we can do our best to change how the story ends. Sometimes we forget that even if something has started in a less than optimum way, we still have a shot at changing the course of the journey.