Rx for the Soul®
. . . because Wisdom is Medicine.
Intuitive Arts - Clinical Mediumship - Award Winning Books
Dr. Annette Childs
Author - Medium - Clinician
“When truth is your shelter, you can live anywhere.”
About Dr. Annette Childs, founder Rx for the Soul®
Dr. Childs holds a Ph.D. in psychology and for more than 30 years has maintained a private practice assisting individuals and families to grow through difficult transitions.
As a researcher, she has extensively studied the near-death experience and other mystical phenomena and has contributed original research to the field of near-death studies.
She is the author of four award-winning books and the critically acclaimed Audio Series Living with Dying.
A natural intuitive, Dr. Childs has created Rx for the Soul®, a unique form of insight-based therapy that melds the intuitive arts with education on quantum entanglement and the afterlife sciences.
This unique focus allows her clients to explore non-local consciousness and the afterlife sciences in a professional and ethical setting.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
What Makes Rx for the Soul® Sessions Unique?
Rx for the Soul Sessions are not ‘psychic readings’ or one-and-done mediumship sessions. This work is best suited to the serious seeker who is seeking to expand their personal reality. For those who may merely be curious about the intuitive arts, or looking for a fun and entertaining ‘reading’, Rx for the Soul® is likely not for you.
As a natural intuitive, I was born with gifts that have always allowed me to tune into information that is not of the physical plane. I am Clairaudient (Clear Hearing), Clairvoyant, (Clear Seeing), Clairsentient (Clear Sensing), and Claircognizant (Clear Thinking). I am also a medium and receive messages from those in spirit.
In addition to my natural intuitive gifts, I also have a doctorate degree in Psychology. I have written four award-winning books and created an award-winning end-of-life caregiver program called ‘Living with Dying.’ Making sense of life near death has been my calling for most of my career.
Although Rx for the Soul® Sessions are not done under the umbrella of my clinical psychotherapy practice, this healing work is done with all of the ethical principals that I adhere to in my clinical practice. What does this mean? This means that I adhere to standards of:
COMPETENCY: I will demonstrate competency in the areas that I work within.
CONFIDENTIALITY: I will not share your reading information with others unless we have a signed document giving me permission to do so.
INFORMED CONSENT: I will clearly describe my services to you, and you will understand them and be able to ask questions before you agree to them.
You did not come here to exist, you came here to evolve.
You did not come here to exist, you came here to evolve. 〰️
Rx for the Soul sessions are designed to be both predictive and interactive. If the divinatory aspects of your reading are not aligned with your desires, there are ways that you can inform your future to move in the direction of your choice. We are always given free will that works along with any energy that may be pre-destined.
Quantum theory has proven that we exist in a living and responsive field of energy - one that is neutral in nature, but always 100% willing to work for our good if we have the wisdom to create this.
A large part of my work with clients is educational in nature—teaching others to recognize the symbolic language of energy that is always around us. The Interactive Universe constantly feeds us real-time information that we can use to inform, enlighten, and enrich our journey. When difficult experiences come into our lives, there are always lessons that can be learned and wisdom that can be carried forward to further our healing.
Medicine for the Soul
Rx for the Soul Sessions®
Award Winning Books
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“A relationship without trust is like a phone with no service. And what do you do with a phone with no service? You play games.”
This is a quote that leaves a little sting after you read it. It took me years to get to a place in my life where I was able to cultivate relationships that were always ' in service.'