Nelson Mandela’s words are a poignant reminder that even when we have earned the right to have negative feelings about someone who has mistreated us, if we choose to hold on to those feelings, we are imprisoned right along with whoever it is we are condemning.When we have been wronged it can be so hard to let go of the natural feelings that arise. Letting go of our anger makes us feel vulnerable, and although letting go is the most powerful thing we can do, we often worry that it will make us weak and small….
Lifelines Two
The place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you.’ Hafiz
Oh! How I love this quote, but there are days where it certainly doesn't feel like there is a circle, and sometimes not even a map....But then there are those other days...
The Price of Doubt
There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a sword that kills.